Just treat it like your own money, not “credit”. Doing all your general monthly transactions on a credit card means you continue to earn interest on your entire savings balance for the whole month. You then pay off the month’s bill, and round you go again. With a debit card, as soon as you make… Continue reading use a credit card (in Iceland)
Addresses in media
The half page article from today’s Fréttablaðið is yet another example of a chronic problem at both Fréttablaðið and Fréttatíminn. They both regularly write articles about cultural events, even including lists of them, and in almost all cases, completely fail to include the actual address. Today’s example manages to mention the street, which is a start,… Continue reading Addresses in media
Islandsbanki Mastercard statement madness
Islandsbanki recently forced a move to mastercard for all existing credit card holders. We’re not going to talk about that here, as while the reshuffling of all the icelandic credit card processors, and what banks offer which cards is very interesting, it’s “out of scope” They promised to have moved all Icelandic companies direct debits from the… Continue reading Islandsbanki Mastercard statement madness
Nova website CPU hogging
Websites get this wrong sometimes. Here’s letting you know, it’s _never_ acceptable to cpu hog on a page that’s idle. Here’s Nova’s “joladagatal” game taking 20% plus cpu, sitting there idle after showing you the results of playing their game.
Svar við svar við skoðun Pawel
Referring to this article: http://vefblod.visir.is/index.php?s=8647&p=183582 (bottom) by Ólafur Teitur Guðnasson, PR rep for Rio Tinto Alcan in Iceland Let’s just quote that in chunks here, (because Vísir doesn’t let us link to the article itself, only the page) Sæll, Pawel, og þakka þér fyrir góð og málefnaleg greinaskrif á undanförnum árum. Mig langar að bregðast við… Continue reading Svar við svar við skoðun Pawel
True savings at Orkusalan
Through work I got offered a “discount” by switching my <em>retail</em> electricity bill over to Orkusalan. Orkusalan’s retail prices are 6.46kr/kwh. OR’s are 6.53 kr/kwh. For my (small appartment’s) annual usage of ~2500kWh, that’s an <em>annual</em> saving of…. 150kr. Not worth the hassle of switching and calling. (And you would still get a bill from… Continue reading True savings at Orkusalan
What year is it?
At first I thought they were reviewing what was being said a year ago, but no, the quotes are all this week. A fine weekend edition at Fréttablaðið
Who needs a new picture?
Friday 13th, Fréttablaðið published a piece about a technical problem [1] relating to the Samherji case, and used a picture from when Samherji’s offices were raided the year before. Saturday the 14th, Fréttablaðið published a piece about Applicon suing for illegal use of software siezed during the Samherji raid. And used the same (old) picture… Continue reading Who needs a new picture?
Advertising with no address
You’re just meant to know! From the weekend edition of Fréttablaðið, (delivered to homes on the 13th of July) comes this advertisement for the Ghost Museum’s “wharf party” happening that weekend. Includes details on opening hours, when the bands are playing, and a number to call for more info. What would have been really helpful… Continue reading Advertising with no address
Ignorance is bliss – hot summer days
Iceland is having a rather terrible summer so far, lots more grey days, cooler and far far wetter than normal. The forecast in the weekend edition of Fréttatíminn shows all rain all weekend. But the food section doesn’t care. They had a whole page of recipes and drinks under the heading, “What’s more refreshing than… Continue reading Ignorance is bliss – hot summer days