Just treat it like your own money, not “credit”. Doing all your general monthly transactions on a credit card means you continue to earn interest on your entire savings balance for the whole month. You then pay off the month’s bill, and round you go again. With a debit card, as soon as you make… Continue reading use a credit card (in Iceland)
Category: consumer affairs
True savings at Orkusalan
Through work I got offered a “discount” by switching my <em>retail</em> electricity bill over to Orkusalan. Orkusalan’s retail prices are 6.46kr/kwh. OR’s are 6.53 kr/kwh. For my (small appartment’s) annual usage of ~2500kWh, that’s an <em>annual</em> saving of…. 150kr. Not worth the hassle of switching and calling. (And you would still get a bill from… Continue reading True savings at Orkusalan
What’s in your ham?
I’m one of those weird people who likes to buy meat products that contain as much meat as possible, and I actually pay extra to get products made out of meat, instead of products made out of potato flour and excessive amounts of water. Packaged ham is a pretty notorious field for this, and in… Continue reading What’s in your ham?